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Shrub Planting To Update Your Hamburg Landscaping

Shrub planting

If you're thinking of adding new shrubbery to your landscaping, get the best horticultural help in Hamburg with Evergreen Landscaping and our shrub planting service! Having a landscaping professional with expert knowledge of landscaping design is perfect when you want to grow sustainable and good-looking shrubs. We take the time and care to carefully plan out and plant healthy shrubbery that will thrive in their environment.

When you call us and request a free quote for our shrub planting service, we'll come out to your property and assess the environment, talk with you about the kinds of shrubs you want, and plan out your landscaping. We care about communicating with our clients and fitting our work to their vision for their landscaping.

New Bush Planting

In principle, shrub planting should be pretty easy: dig the holes and plant the bushes. Unfortunately, though, as with any horticultural endeavor, it's never that straightforward. It's essential to plan your shrub planting carefully. Each plant needs ample room to grow, access to sunlight, and a viable growth environment. The seasons can affect when to plan certain kinds of shrubs. Plus, you need to plan for the future- how best to ensure your shrubs will continue growing healthily in their space after they're established.

Having worked in landscaping for years, we're pros in planning our shrub planting. We also take care of soil amendments and other needed changes at the time of planting to ensure that fresh roots have a healthy environment to grow into. Being a trusted landscaping company for Hamburg, we want our clients' landscaping to last, which is why we plan with curb appeal and longevity in mind. We're confident that you'll love the work we do for your landscaping both now and in the long term.

Shrub Trimming Services

It's important to have your shrubbery trimmed back every now and then to keep them from becoming overgrown. Not only does shrub trimming help your curb appeal and keep your shrubbery beautiful, but it also prevents your shrubs from crowding out other growths or growing up too close to nearby structures.

Depending on the kind of shrubbery you have, plus your own personal tastes for their appearance, your shrubs can be trimmed anywhere from twice yearly to once a month. We'll be able to help you plan shrub maintenance that supports the health of the plants while still achieving the look your want from your landscaping.

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