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Recent Tips and Articles by Evergreen Landscaping

How To Keep Your Yard Clean And Neat

Not every person is a landscaper extraordinaire, and the average person doesn't want to spend tons of time toiling away over their yard! If you're looking for an easier way to maintain your yard's appearance throughout the year, try some of these helpful tips. Not only does […]

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Tackling Your Landscaping Throughout The Year

Landscaping is a job for all seasons, and there's much to do throughout each part of the year to keep everything growing in good shape. If you look at it as one big ongoing job, landscape maintenance can seem pretty intimidating. However, if you break your […]

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Why Use Wood Mulch?

If you're constructing landscaping beds or a garden, you may be debating what type of ground covering to use for it. While there are a lot of options out there, we're personally big fans of using natural wood mulch. Wood mulch is beneficial for supporting lots […]

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