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Mulch Installation For Superior Landscape Care In Hamburg

Mulch installation

Evergreen Landscaping is one of the top teams for mulch installation in the Hamburg area. If you're thinking of adding mulch to your landscaping, reach out to us!

Mulch is a very versatile kind of ground covering that helps protects growing plants while smoothing over flaws and patchy areas in your landscaping. We use high-quality wood shredded and even dyed to the consistency and look that best suits your needs. If you'd like to get a free quote for mulch installation for your property, give us a call today at 716-262-4093.

Laying New Mulch

As far as ground covering goes, wood mulch is one of the best options out there. It's natural, biodegradable, and heavy enough to stay in place without being carried away by the wind. With single, double, and triple shredded options, as well as optional dyes, it's easy to find mulch that fits the ideal look for your landscaping.

It's also great for your plants! Mulch acts as a form of natural installation, keeping things from getting too hot or too cold in extreme temps. It also retains moisture, soaking it up and storing it for easy access by any plants growing in the mulch. Mulch beds are an excellent option for keeping shrubbery and other plant life healthy.

Mulch installation is tough work, though. There's a lot of work that goes into it, more than people may expect. Amateurs attempting to DIY their own mulch installation may find that it's tricky to estimate just how much mulch they need for the job, too. That's where we can help.

We've been doing mulch installation for quite some time, and we've got it down to a science. When we visit your property, we take notes on the square footage of the areas where we'll place the mulch. Once we've got the perfect amount of quality mulch for the job, we dig and edge the beds to ensure no overflow, then install an even layer of mulch. We tamp it down for a flat appearance and to help it stay in place!

Superb Shrubbery Services

If your mulch beds have bushes or other shrubs growing in them, ask us about our shrub care services! Our shrub planting service can help if you're building an entirely new bed with new shrubbery. If your current shrubbery needs maintenance, though, we specialize in shrub trimming to give them an even, curated look. As a favorite local landscaping company for Hamburg, our aim is to keep your landscaping gorgeous and well-maintained year-round. When your shrubs need a little expert care, give us a call!

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