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How To Keep Your Yard Clean And Neat

Keeping yard neat

Not every person is a landscaper extraordinaire, and the average person doesn't want to spend tons of time toiling away over their yard! If you're looking for an easier way to maintain your yard's appearance throughout the year, try some of these helpful tips.

Rake Up Leaves And Debris

Not only does raking up debris keep your yard presentable, but it also removes impediments to future growth for your lawn. In the fall, it's best to do a leaf cleanup about once a month or until all the leaves have fallen. If you don't want to do this part yourself or simply don't have the time, outsource the work to a landscaping company! We also recommend doing one big leaf cleanup in the spring to catch any debris that may have fallen in winter.

Mow Your Lawn Bi-Weekly

Lawn mowing is a universal part of lawn maintenance, but it's important to strike the right balance. If you mow too infrequently, it's hard to cut back the grass and manage it, but taking too much off of your grass can seriously damage your lawn. For most lawns, bi-weekly mowing is the perfect frequency for an ideal lawn. Most landscaping companies offer recurring lawncare services. Whether you're mowing your own or contracting a professional, don't forget to keep up with your edging, too. Clean edges maintain a neat and manicured appearance for your lawn.

Fertilize Your Lawn 3-4 Times A Year

Fertilizing your lawn doesn't just help the grass grow, but it also makes it hard for unwanted plants like weeds to take over as well. Different grasses need different fertilizer mixes, and the balance of elements needed in your mix changes for each season. You should get your lawn fertilized about once every season for optimal lawn performance.


If you want your lawn to achieve deep root growth and the iconic rich green color all lawn owners crave, aerate it! Aerating is the process of drilling small holes in your lawn, which allows nitrogen and oxygen to penetrate the soil. Nitrogen is especially conducive to lush grass growth and rich green color. Your average landscaping company will likely seed your lawn while aerating it, as doing both at the same time allows the new seeds to better take root. While aerating can be done in the early spring, it's more typically done in the fall to maximize the nutrient content in the soil and allow new seeds to germinate before winter.

Use Preemergents

While weed removal is a regular part of lawn maintenance, you can take preemptive measures to stop weed growth before it even pops up. Many people choose to add a preemergent- a weed preventive treatment- to their lawns around the same time they aerate it, either in the fall or early spring. Having your lawn treated with a preemergent before the growing season stops weeds before they even have a chance to grow, reducing the amount of weed removal you'll have to do over the course of the year.

Evergreen Landscaping offers affordable and consistent lawn maintenance services for our clients throughout the greater Hamburg, NY area. When you've got our pros taking care of your lawn, you don't need to stress- you can depend on us to keep your grass beautiful and healthy all the time. If you'd like to take advantage of our lawncare services, call us today at 716-262-4093.

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