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Why Use Wood Mulch?

Using wood mulch

If you're constructing landscaping beds or a garden, you may be debating what type of ground covering to use for it. While there are a lot of options out there, we're personally big fans of using natural wood mulch. Wood mulch is beneficial for supporting lots of landscaping ecosystems, and it's easy to install. Here are a few reasons why we love mulch!

An Eco-Friendly Option

Wood mulch is made from shredding waste wood left over after chopping down trees, which is a great way to recycle the leftover waste rather than carting it off to the landfill. Green waste decomposing in subpar landfill conditions produces methane, a waste by-product responsible for global warming. Putting that mulch back in your garden is good for the planet! Plus, because it's nothing more than plain old wood, old mulch can be composted and reused after it's decomposed and outlived its usefulness as a ground covering.

Moisture Retention

When growing any type of vegetation, maintaining the right level of moisture is vital. When the ground is left uncovered, it's easier for moisture to evaporate out, leaving your plants thirsty.

Wood mulch is great at preventing evaporation, controlling drainage, and retaining useful moisture for your shrubs and trees. All in all, it's an ideal option if you're looking for a ground covering to help moderate the moisture in your landscaping beds.


Wood mulch acts as excellent insulation! In the summer, it keeps most of the heat away from the roots of your plants while trapping warmth in the winter to better help your vegetation resist the freezing cold. Just like the insulation in the walls of your home, wood mulch protects your plants from temperature extremes and increases their longevity.

Controls Weed Growth

Wood mulch is harder for weeds to grow through than just plain old dirt. It's also harder for their seeds to penetrate and find viable dirt to take purchase in. If you want an easy way to keep your landscaping beds weed-free, use wood mulch!

How To Add Mulch To Your Landscaping

Mulch installation is a relatively simple process but a labor-intensive one. If the landscaping beds haven't already been dug, your landscaping company will likely dig out a shallow bed for the mulch with a downward slope near the edge to ensure mulch doesn't spillover. The landscapers will then add about 2 inches of mulch to the bed, surrounding any shrubbery or other vegetation and covering up any bare patches of ground!

Old mulch should be typically replaced about once a year, too, to keep up with its natural decomposition. If you're looking for a local Hamburg landscaping company to help with mulch installation or replacement, reach out to Evergreen Landscaping. If you give us a call at 716-262-4093, we'd be happy to write you a free quote for our mulch installation service!

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